Welcome to the Crane Bar
The Crane Bar on Sea Road is one of Galway’s best known traditional music pubs. It has long been a haunt of those who love to play and those who love to listen to them. Situated in the ‘Small Crane’ Square, The Crane Bar offers music nightly both upstairs and down.
Upstairs at The Crane Bar is a much loved venue, seating 70 in an intimate and relaxed atmosphere remarked on by both performers and audiences alike.
Concerts here range from singer/songwriters to traditional to roots music. Known far and wide as ‘The Listeners Club’, upstairs at The Crane Bar has been played in by the best known artists in the business as well as up and coming new talents.
This year The Crane Bar’s Listeners Club has hosted more gigs than ever before and there’s an exciting programme in the offing for the coming year..
Tickets for all gigs from the Crane Bar. Bookings from (087)2245637
Live Traditional Irish Music Every Night at the Crane Bar
Downstairs at The Crane Bar is the ‘local’, one of the few remaining authentic traditional bars with live sessions nightly, and an atmosphere only an Irish ‘local’ can create. Try real tradition at The Crane Bar.
Venue holds between 50 and 70 normally. The room is wide with the stage and mix positions at opposite sides of the main part of the room (short sides).
The CraneBar, 2 Sea Road, Galway. Tel: 353 (0)87 224 5637 Email: info@thecranebar.com